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5.1 Teaching and Learning


Scoil Mhuire Adult Education, and our second provider schools, endeavour to ensure that tutors and learners achieve the best possible outcomes by creating and sustaining a positive, supportive, collaborative, and inclusive teaching and learning environment.  All stakeholders, from members of our governance units to our learners, have a role in contributing to creating and sustaining this environment.

We seek regular feedback from tutors, both Scoil Mhuire and second provider tutors, their learners, and stakeholders and we have the resources in place to provide our tutors and learners with the environment they need to achieve their maximum potential. We have a clearly documented, overarching Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) strategy, to which programme-specific strategies are aligned leading to a more effective and informed pedagogic practices and programme design. This strategy is appropriate to the context of the schools and takes our learner profile and learner needs into consideration.

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Teaching and Learning Strategies

We document our teaching, learning and assessment strategies to include the activities, strategies, methodologies, and resources in our Programme Descriptors, and these are agreed at the programme validation stage by QQI (if the programme is designed to lead to an award on the NFQ)

Learning Methodologies

We design a range of methodologies as part of our delivery strategy. We expect Tutors to use and promote a range of teaching and learning methodologies in response to the needs of our adult learners, including:

5.2 Provider ethos that promotes learning