10.1 Policy

Scoil Mhuire Clane has been providing adult education courses for almost forty years and has built up relationships with other interested parties within the education and training community. All collaborative arrangements are with reputable bodies and are subject to internal and external quality assurance procedures. Its awards include QQI validated courses. The nature of such relationships is published on our website. www.claneqa.com

10.2 Peer Relationships with the broader educational community

Scoil Mhuire enters into peer relationships with other education and training organisations to share ideas which support its activities and benefit learners. This provides an opportunity to discuss new trends and identify best practice to ensure the credibility of learning outcomes achieved by learners.

Opportunities for engaging with peers include:

ensures that current standards are being adhered to as well as providing an opportunity to meet with other professionals and engage in networking activities.

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10.3 Accreditation Bodies

Scoil Mhuire offers programmes accredited by other accreditation bodies in addition to QQI e.g., ITEC, Microsoft, ICDL and fulfils the requirements of these bodies.

10.4 Work Placement Providers